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Economic, Management Sciences
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Purchasing and Supply Chain Manage...
Monczka, Robert M.
Handfield, Robert B.
Giunipero, Larry C.
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Applied Marketing Cases
Applied Marketing Cases
Drotsky, Anton
Heerden, Neels van
R 410.00
Channel Management
Channel Management
Wild, J
R 328.00
Contemporary Retail and Marketing Case Studi...
Contemporary Retail and Marketing ...
(Editor), Nieuwenhuizen, C
CH, van Heerden,
R 451.00
e-Marketing in the South African Context
e-Marketing in the South African C...
Bothma, Cornelius
Gopaul, Melanie
R 573.00
Entrepreneurial Skills
Entrepreneurial Skills
Nieuwenhuizen, Cecile
R 605.00
Environmental Management - a business manage...
Environmental Management - a busin...
Smit, SJ
R 419.00
Focus on Management Principles: A generic ap...
Focus on Management Principles: A ...
Beer, A de
Roussow, D
R 313.00
Focus on Operational Management: A generic a...
Focus on Operational Management: A...
Beer, A de
Roussow, D
R 481.00
Forensic Investigation Legislative Principle...
Forensic Investigation Legislative...
Benson, B
R 1 195.00
Fundamentals of Sales and Marketing
Fundamentals of Sales and Marketin...
Toit, Mike du
R 447.00
UNISA 2015 Introduction to Communication Stu...
UNISA 2015 Introduction to Communi...
S, Steinberg,
R 572.00
Introduction to Marketing
Introduction to Marketing
Strydom, Johan
R 589.00
Introduction to Retailing
Introduction to Retailing
Erdis, Cindy
Cant, Michael
R 356.01
Leadership in Health Services Management
Leadership in Health Services Mana...
Karien, Jooste,
R 687.00
Managing e-Commerce in Business
Managing e-Commerce in Business
Botha, J
Bothma, C
R 511.00
Managing Safety Culture
Managing Safety Culture
Louw, Leonie B
R 234.00
Media Ethics in the South African Context, a...
Media Ethics in the South African ...
Oosthuizen, Lucas
R 491.00
Media Studies Volume 1: Media History, Media...
Media Studies Volume 1: Media Hist...
Fourie?, PJ
R 632.01
Media Studies Volume 2: Policy, Management a...
Media Studies Volume 2: Policy, Ma...
Fourie, PJ
R 667.00
Media Studies Volume 3: Media Content and Me...
Media Studies Volume 3: Media Cont...
Fourie, PJ
R 740.00
Operations and Management Principles for Con...
Operations and Management Principl...
Hoffmann, Â
R 835.00
Product and Price Management
Product and Price Management
Botha, C
Machado, R
R 510.00
Public Relations Theory and Practice
Public Relations Theory and Practi...
Fourie, L
Cant, MC
R 497.00
Relationship Marketing and Customer Relation...
Relationship Marketing and Custome...
Tait, M
Robert-Lombard, M
R 504.00
Safety Management in an Organisational Conte...
Safety Management in an Organisati...
Louw, L
R 516.00
Safety Systems
Safety Systems
Naidoo, Preshodan
R 258.00
Service Marketing: A Contemporary Approach
Service Marketing: A Contemporary ...
Boshoff, C.
Berndt, A.
R 650.00
Statutory Interpretation: An Introduction fo...
Statutory Interpretation: An Intro...
C, Botha,
R 567.00
Differential Equations with Boundary-Value P...
Differential Equations with Bounda...
Zill, Dennis G.
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Advertising and Sales Promotion
Advertising and Sales Promotion
Koekemoer, Ludi
R 508.00
Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour
Roberts-Lombard, B
R 590.00
Customer Service
Customer Service
Machado, Ricardo
R 453.00
Integrated Organisational Communication
Integrated Organisational Communic...
Barker, Rachel
Angelopulo, George
R 723.00
Practising Learning and Development in South...
Practising Learning and Developmen...
Kiley, Jerome
Botha, Jo-Anne
Truman, Kiru
R 642.00
Quality in the Office
Quality in the Office
Boucher, DE
Prinsloo, D
Antwerpen, S van
R 224.00
Supervising Safety
Supervising Safety
Loggerenberg, Francois van
R 247.00
Teacher Empowerment Through Curriculum Devel...
Teacher Empowerment Through Curric...
A, Carl,
R 425.99
Introduction to Business Management 11e
Introduction to Business Managemen...
Erasmus, Barney
R 707.95
Retail Management second edition
Retail Management second edition
Terblanche, Nic
Beneke, Justin
Bruwer, JP
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Educator's guide to effective classroom mana...
Educator's guide to effective clas...
SA, Coetzee
EJ, Van Niekerk
R 517.50
Economic indicators 5/e
Economic indicators 5/e
Mohr, P
R 378.00
Economics for South African students 5/e
Economics for South African studen...
P, Mohr
R 688.50
Entrepreneurial Skills
Entrepreneurial Skills
NM, Mmako
S, Dhliwayo
R, Shambare
R 432.00
Environmental impact assessment - a practica...
Environmental impact assessment - ...
PJ, Aucamp
R 571.50
First Steps in research 2
First Steps in research 2
Maree, K
R 544.50
Fundamentals of insurance
Fundamentals of insurance
Beer, F de
Marx, J
R 693.00
Manage your money - basic financial life ski...
Manage your money - basic financia...
N, Swart
R 459.00
New media in the information society
New media in the information socie...
Z, Lesame
B, Mbatha
S, Sindane
R 576.00
Supply chain management - a balanced approac...
Supply chain management - a balanc...
JA, Badenhorst-Weiss
IM, Ambe
EHB, Van Biljon
R 652.50
Understanding macroeconomics 2/e
Understanding macroeconomics 2/e
Mohr, P
Zyl, C van
Pretorius, A
R 382.50
Understanding South African Financial Market...
Understanding South African Financ...
Wyk, K van
Botha, Z
Goodspeed, I
R 729.00
Business Leadership
Business Leadership
Gallos, Joan V.
R 729.96
Satellite Communications
Satellite Communications
Pratt, Timothy
Allnutt, Jeremy E.
R 2 715.18
Business & Society
Business & Society
Carroll, Archie B.
Brown, Jill
Buchholtz, Ann K.
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Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Internation...
Calculus, Early Transcendentals, I...
Stewart, James
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Data Communications and Computer Networks
Data Communications and Computer N...
White, Curt M.
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Discovering Computers ©2018: Digital Te...
Discovering Computers ©2018: ...
Vermaat, Misty E.
Sebok, Susan L.
Freund, Steven M.
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Ethics in Information Technology
Ethics in Information Technology
Reynolds, George
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eBook: Family Business
eBook: Family Business
Poza, Ernesto J.
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Human Resource Management in South Africa
Human Resource Management in South...
rnich, Surette
Carrell, Michael R.
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Information Technology Auditing
Information Technology Auditing
Hall, James A.
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Information Technology Project Management
Information Technology Project Man...
Schwalbe, Kathy
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Principles of Information Security
Principles of Information Security
Whitman, Michael E.
Mattord, Herbert J.
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Network+ Guide to Networks
Network+ Guide to Networks
West, Jill
Dean, Tamara
Andrews, Jean
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Oracle 12c
Oracle 12c
Casteel, Joan
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Power System Analysis and Design, SI Edition
Power System Analysis and Design, ...
Glover, J. Duncan
Overbye, Thomas
Sarma, Mulukutla S.
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Wisner, Joel D.
Tan, Keah-Choon
Leong, G. Keong
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Principles of Web Design
Principles of Web Design
Sklar, Joel
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Small Business Management
Small Business Management
Longenecker, Justin G.
Radipere, Nkoana
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Mathematics for Economics and Finance
Mathematics for Economics and Fina...
Anthony, Martin
Biggs, Norman
R 1 194.28
Design for Safety
Design for Safety
Smit, Dr Sarel J
Moster, Elsjebe
Loggerenberg, Francois van
R 273.00
Fundamentals of e-Marketing
Fundamentals of e-Marketing
Swanepoel, Japie
R 436.00
Identifying and Analysing Safety Risk
Identifying and Analysing Safety R...
Louw, Ã
R 239.00
Introduction to Health Services Management: ...
Introduction to Health Services Ma...
Booyens, Susanne
R 579.00
Managerial Functions in Event Management
Managerial Functions in Event Mana...
Prinsloo, D
Antwerpen?, S van
R 220.00
Managing Safety in the Office Environment
Managing Safety in the Office Envi...
Loggerenberg, NFJ van
R 227.00
Managing Safety in the Workplace
Managing Safety in the Workplace
Fourie, Lizbie
Loggerenberg, Francois van
R 223.00
Marketing Communication: An Integrated Appro...
Marketing Communication: An Integr...
(Editor), Ludi Koekemoer
R 306.00
Marketing in Africa
Marketing in Africa
Makhitha, KM
R 408.00
Principles of Global Business Management
Principles of Global Business Mana...
R, Aregbeshola,
R 542.00
Safety Incident Investigations
Safety Incident Investigations
Rielander, Cheryl
R 253.00
The basics of safety hazards and the origin ...
The basics of safety hazards and t...
Smit, SJ
R 298.00
The Contemporary Office
The Contemporary Office
Erasumus, AW
Antwerpen, S van
Ferreira, EJ
R 227.00
The Marketing Value Chain
The Marketing Value Chain
Makhitha, KM
R 367.00
Person-Centred Facilitation:
Person-Centred Facilitation:
Mbedzi, Paul
Grobler, Hanka
Schenck, Rinie
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Behavior in Organizations: Global Edition
Behavior in Organizations: Global ...
Jerald, Greenberg
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Digital Control System Analysis & Design...
Digital Control System Analysis &a...
Charles, Phillips
H., Nagle
Aranya, Chakrabortty
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Digital Fundamentals, Global Edition
Digital Fundamentals, Global Editi...
Thomas, Floyd
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Discrete Mathematical Structures
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Bernard, Kolman
Robert, Busby
Sharon, Ross
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Electronic Devices, Global Edition
Electronic Devices, Global Edition
Thomas, Floyd
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Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices ...
Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits...
Thomas, Floyd
David, Buchla
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Experiential Approach to Organization Develo...
Experiential Approach to Organizat...
Donald, Brown
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Exploring Research, Global Edition
Exploring Research, Global Edition
Salkind, Neil
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Industrial Organization
Industrial Organization
John, Lipczynski
John, Wilson
John, Goddard
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Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL, Gl...
Interactive Computer Graphics with...
Dave, Shreiner
Dave, Shreiner
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International Economics: Theory and Policy, ...
International Economics: Theory an...
Krugman, Paul
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc
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Management Information Systems: Managing the...
Management Information Systems: Ma...
Laudon, Jane P.
Laudon, Kenneth C.
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Microeconomics, Global Edition
Microeconomics, Global Edition
Robert, Pindyck
Daniel, Rubinfeld
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Modern Electronic Communication
Modern Electronic Communication
Jeffrey, Beasley
Gary, Miller
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Operations Management: Processes and Supply ...
Operations Management: Processes a...
Krajewski, Lee
Malhotra, Manoj
Ritzman, Larry
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Operations Management: Sustainability and Su...
Operations Management: Sustainabil...
Heizer, Jay
Render, Barry
Munson, Chuck
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Problem Solving with C++, Global Edition
Problem Solving with C++, Global E...
Walter, Savitch
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Quality Management for Organizational Excell...
Quality Management for Organizatio...
David, Goetsch
Stanley, Davis
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Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquir...
Research in Education: Evidence-Ba...
James, McMillan
Sally, Schumacher
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Retail Buying
Retail Buying
Jay, Diamond
Gerald, Pintel
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Retail Management, Global Edition
Retail Management, Global Edition
Barry, Berman
Joel, Evans
Patrali, Chatterjee
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Sewing for the Apparel Industry
Sewing for the Apparel Industry
Claire, Shaeffer
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Software Engineering, Global Edition
Software Engineering, Global Editi...
Ian, Sommerville
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Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning,...
Supply Chain Management: Strategy,...
Sunil, Chopra
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Education management in early childhood deve...
Education management in early chil...
Marais, P
Meier, C
R 571.50
The Definitive Handbook of Business Continui...
The Definitive Handbook of Busines...
Hiles, Andrew
R 1 462.02
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