Identifying and Analysing Safety Risk

Louw, Ã , ,   , Leonie , Louw, Leonie


Unidentified safety risks could take an enterprise by surprise and really harm its financial future. Identifying and Analysing Safety Risks maps out a path for business owners, entrepreneurs and safety practitioners to accurately and systematically identify, assess and eliminate these risks in their organisation. To create the context, the authors discuss the origins of safety risks and explain the legal requirements that must be met to ensure a safe working environment. Most of the book is dedicated to the analysis and assessment of safety risks: the process and scope of safety risk assessments and the ultimate evaluation of safety risks. The role that cross-functional teams play in safety risk assessment is explained in detail. The book concludes with practical guide-lines on developing and implementing safety controls.

R 239.00
3.36 mb
Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd
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